Interactive Biosecurity infographic now online
The bacteria which causes bovine TB (Mycobacterium bovis) is a very adaptable, surviving in many different hosts and farm environments, which can act as sources of transmission to cattle.
Measures to reduce these risks and protect cattle herds are often termed ‘biosecurity’ In reality every herd and farm is different, which means the potential risks and their solutions can vary from farm to farm. Visualising transmission risks can be difficult and finding the necessary information on what to do about them on TBhub and other websites can also seem tricky. As part of my work I have created an interactive infographic to display many of the key transmission risks in and around farm yards. If you click on each risk factor it offers links to info on this website and the TBhub.
Note: Absolutely every possible risk factor is not mentioned here. There are others such as badger urine on pasture, or dead wildlife carcases (deer or badgers) that may also act as risks. There are also further risks from cattle, particularly the risk of residual infection within herds. The aim of the infographic is to highlight the main risk factors highlighted by Defra’s five point plan which can often (but not always) be addressed by simple practical measures, and then provide links to useful resources available online.
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